Community-based Protection (CBP) for Refugees & Asylum Seekers.

DAN is an implementing partner (IP) of UNHCR since September 2019 to carry out a Community-Based Protection project in Somaliland.
The project has two components of Community based protection and child protection and addresses the needs of refugees and asylum seekers, which amount to 12,543 in Somaliland according to a verification exercises carried out in 2020 by the National Displacement and Refugee Agency (NDRA) and UNHCR. The refugees are from Horn, East and Central Africa (HECA) and Middle East, and North Africa (MENA) , while the Asylum seekers are mostly from HECA. The persons with specific needs, including elderly and persons with disabilities, are also recorded among the target population of concern and their inclusion is ensured and emphasized in assistance delivery.
This project aims to strengthen child protection services and the capacity of targeted communities of forcibly displaced persons to address their own challenges and protection problems through community-based protection (CBP) approach, with community mobilization, psychosocial counselling, vulnerability assessments, community self-reliance and protection, and provision of services to refugees, asylum seekers, persons with specific needs and affected host communities in Somaliland. The project supports their immediate and ongoing needs by facilitating their access to basic assistance and protection. The community-based protection approach will shift the project ownership from implementing partners to the community, relies on building and strengthening of community structures for self-protection and to identify and respond to the risks of child protection.